pictures of London, images of London, old photographs, watercolour paintings, London pictures, london photos, old phogos

This directory bring together all topics that would be of interest to our visitors. Here you will find hundreds of websites relating to all things London and Britain, history, photography and art.

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Family history
    Home Page > ThemeIndex > History > Family history

East of London Family History Society [EoLFHS]
East of London Family History Society (EoLFHS) exists to promote and encourage the study of family history

Family Chronicle Magazine
A genealogical magazine for people researching family trees, family history, their heritage and genealogy roots.

Family tree of everything to do with the surnames L(*)dbrook(*).
The Home page of everything to do with the surnames ledbrook ledbrooke ladbroke ladbrook lodbrook lodbrooke lidbrook lidbrooke ludbrook ludbrooke. Any of these surnames will be of interest to you.

London & North Middlesex F H S - Metropolitan on-line
London and North Middlesex Family History Society [Copyright 2000].

London Ancestor, Ancestors - Genealogy, Local, Family History
Data for the study of Genealogy, Local & Family History in London, England. Free Online Content including Map's, Views of Churches, Institutions, etc, plus Documents and Newspaper Extracts

371  links in total and growing!

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